#day 8 of code

I've done a Laravel CRUD functionality today and I have to say a impressed. I've coded since lunch time and am starting to literally smile as I continue coding. Why you ask. Because Laravel is beautiful. I know am not the only one whose mind is blown when they realize the "works" behind something. THE BEHIND THE SCENES as I like to refer to it. Believe me am one of those people. The same thing happened when I came to know the ingenious behind torreting but that's a story for another day. There's this one functionality in Laravel called TEMPLATE INHERITANCE. It's something like the PHP includes, that's if you view it the way I viewed it, your opinion shouldn't be static. To whomever should read this and is aware of PHP just text me so that I can tell you about TEMPLATE INHERITANCE regardless of your knowledge. Am just itching to explain it to someone (some of you are aware of this habit of mine :)Am still on #day 8 why? Am just lazy i think but 92 days to go